International Dance Day


Today is a festival of art that is a famous & favorite festival for all people in the world.
That art is dance.
This dance day is celebrated for the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre (1727-1810), who is known as the creator of modern ballet.
The most popular dances are:-
1. Ballet
2. Ballroom
3. Contemporary
4. Hip Hop
5. Jazz
6. Tap Dance
7. Folk Dance
8. Irish Dance
9. Modern Dance
10. Swing Dance
Dance Day aims to celebrate a world of dance. In addition to encouraging dance from participants of all ability levels, Dance Day is a truly global celebration that breaks down barriers to bring people together.
1) When you dance, your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor.
2) Dance is the way to express your soul through your body. It is the way to live, live for yourself, and just enjoy the moment.
3) Move with confidence, dance with happiness and your soul will be completely satisfied.
4) Laugh when you can.
DANCE means
D- Discipline
A- Awesome
N- New
C- Confidence
E- Expression

So, Dance and enjoy your life
Think you
